56th Annual General Meeting!

In accordance with the AETTNL Constitution/By-Laws, notice is hereby given to Members of the Association of Engineering Technicians and Technologists of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc. that the 56th Annual General Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at The Capital Hotel, St. John’s, NL. The purpose of the AGM being the approval of the 2023/24 Year-End Financial Statements, the Appointment of 2024/25 Auditors, Receipt of Council, Major and Minor Committee Reports, and other such business as may properly be brought to the attention of said Annual General Meeting of AETTNL Members.

Certified members in good standing may exercise their voting rights as per the Constitution/By-Laws. By means of a proxy, a member can appoint a person as their nominee to attend and act at the AGM of members in the manner, to the extent, and with the power conferred by proxy.

Only voting members are entitled to complete a proxy form.

Nominees must also be in good standing. The proxy will give your nominee permission to vote on all questions raised at the AGM.  If you wish to limit your proxy to one or more questions or instruct your nominee as to the way your vote is to be cast, you must so indicate in writing at the bottom of the proxy form.

All proxies must be dated and signed by the voting member or their attorney, authorized in writing.  As per the AETTNL Constitution/By-Laws, all proxies must be received by the Executive Staff Officer no later than 48 hours before the AGM’s commencement. Proxies may therefore be sent via email to aettnl@aettnl.com, fax (709) 747-2869, or mailed to 29-31 Pippy Place Suite 3008, St. John’s NL, A1B 3X2.

AGM Registration  – Please complete the below form

AGM Agenda – Watch for updates!

We do hope you consider attending this year. If you have any questions regarding the event, please don’t hesitate to email at aettnl@aettnl.com or telephone (709) 747-2868 the Association office; we look forward to connecting with you at the AGM.